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Select which option best applies to you to show a letter you can customize and submit with one click. We’ll deliver your letter to your Governor and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

Please take a moment to tell your story and share why solar rights matter to you.

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A secretive group with links to monopoly utility interests has launched an attack on your solar rights. 

  • If you already have solar, it could cost you thousands of dollars.
  • If you don’t yet have solar, it could limit your ability to go solar in the future.
  • If you’re a solar installer, it could mean fewer jobs and less revenue. 

This group has asked federal regulators to seize states’ ability to ensure you receive fair credit for the electricity you produce.

When your solar system generates more electricity than you can use, the extra electricity goes out through your electric meter to your neighbors. You earn a credit from your utility for this electricity on your bill. 

This system is called net metering and helps make rooftop solar a financial win for millions of families and businesses across the country. It’s in place in more than 49 states and territories and has been running successfully for nearly 40 years. 

This group is using the cover of a global pandemic to take money out of your pocket. 

They thought we weren’t watching. They thought wrong.  

Governors across the country are fighting for our solar rights by reaching out to federal regulators. These governors are asking regulators to protect solar rights. Make sure yours is one of them.



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